Hawksmoor CEO – Action re COVID-19

Update to Clients, Contacts and Shareholders – March 17th 2020
I thought you might like to know the action the Hawksmoor Management Team are taking in order to ensure the smooth running of the firm during the anticipated disturbance to normal working practices as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are committed to maintaining our high level of service to our investors and clients, particularly in extremely turbulent market conditions. We are equally committed to the safety, health and wellbeing of our staff and we have therefore taken a variety of measures to ensure we can support both.
A COVID-19 working group has been established consisting of the Executive Committee as well as the Head of HR and Head of IT. We have been closely following the guidance for employers from Public Health England and meeting regularly as the situation develops in order to prepare for changing circumstances.
We carried out a Business Continuity Stress Test on Friday with the vast majority of employees working from home on the day. I am pleased to report this went smoothly with all business critical functions and various communication methods working well. We do, of course, hope that it will not come to the point when we have to close an entire office but if we do, I am confident that business will continue albeit in a slightly different way. We have the advantage of having five offices, well spread geographically, so the chances of all being closed at one time is limited. Having said that, following the Government’s advice last night on social distancing, we are arranging for as many staff as possible to work from home with immediate effect.
Whilst the majority of us do not need to travel abroad for business, those who have been overseas on holiday recently have self-isolated at home on their return in order to minimise the risk of spreading infection. We have been giving guidance to staff and clients alike in respect of face to face meetings and providing alternative forms of communication where necessary. We are also in close contact with our suppliers and service partners.
I hope this proves you with the reassurance that we have a Business Continuity Plan in place in the event of a worsening situation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss the matter further.
Kind regards
Sarah Soar – Chief Executive
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