Hawksmoor Funds risk profiled by Dynamic Planner

We are delighted that the Hawksmoor Funds are now risk profiled by Dynamic Planner as follows:
The MI Hawksmoor Vanbrugh Fund
Dynamic Planner description: A portfolio for this risk profile is most likely to contain low-, medium- and high-risk investments, including money market investments, government bonds, Sterling corporate bonds and global bonds as well as Property. It will also be expected to contain some high-risk investments such as shares, but held mainly in UK and other developed markets, and also a small amount in other higher-risk investments such as shares in emerging markets. As a result, you should always check that you are comfortable with what’s included.
The MI Hawksmoor Distribution Fund
Dynamic Planner description: A portfolio for this risk profile is most likely to contain mainly medium- and high-risk investments, including Sterling corporate bonds and global bonds including higher income types as well as Property and shares. The shares are expected to be held mainly in the UK and other developed markets, but there is also likely to be some in higher-risk emerging markets. As a result, you should always check that you are comfortable with what’s included.
The MI Hawksmoor Global Opportunities Fund
Dynamic Planner description: A portfolio for this risk profile is most likely to contain mainly high- and very-high-risk investments, such as UK, overseas developed and emerging market shares. It is also expected to have a small amount of medium-risk investments such as Property as well as Sterling corporate bonds and global bonds including higher income types. Always check that you are comfortable with the investments that are included in your chosen portfolio.
Dynamic Planner is the most popular risk profiling and asset allocation process in the UK, used by thousands of advisers and paraplanners.
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