News: 17 January 2022
2022 has started not so much with noise, but with a screeching cacophony. Our intention this week is to attempt to make some sense out of what is, yet again, a sensation of information overload.
News: 12 January 2022
The problem is that history is not a great guide to 2022, where the amount of debt turns even the smallest rise in its cost into a significant change.
News: 09 December 2021
News: 06 December 2021
Anyone hoping that we may get a breather in December is going to be terribly disappointed. If anything, the roar of the daily market noise is becoming louder. Little of it makes sense, but that is always how it is when the noise is as loud as this.
News: 29 November 2021
Rapidly rising share prices are the greatest disguise that risk can ever take. The seduction of short-term paper profits can readily distract one’s focus from the virtues of long-proven quality; we hope that our heads are not so easily turned.
News: 22 November 2021
It may not be showing at the pumps, but the price of oil has started to fall again, at long last. The reason for the welcome drop is allegedly the spanking new entente cordiale between Presidents Biden and Xi. The relationship between the heads of Earth’s two largest economies has taken an astonishingly abrupt turn for the better.
News: 08 November 2021
It is to no one’s credit that meetings of Central Banks have taken precedence over COP26. The second week of the Glasgow jamboree may see some bunnies pulled out of top hats, but the first week was utterly underwhelming. After the truly inspirational opening speeches, the COP has been characterized by an overload of good intention with precious little substance. This is supposed to be the COP that delivers definite plans of action to support 2015’s world-saving pledges.
News: 01 November 2021
Now let us backtrack to last Wednesday’s Budget. I confess that I am perplexed. In the context of COP26 the decisions to freeze fuel duty and cut air passenger charges are, shall we say, disappointing. More than anything, it shows a lack of leadership.
News: 25 October 2021
News: 04 October 2021
If we cast our minds back the best part of five years and four months, we may remember that the initial reaction of international investors to the vote to Leave was to sell both UK domestic shares and the pound. There is a sense of this starting to happen again.
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