News: 24 August 2020
So how are we ever going to pay back £2 trillion? Well, we won’t. If the British government ever returns to a budget surplus, to repay the debt at £1bn a year would take two millennia.
News: 18 August 2020
Hawksmoor is proud to be an official Supporter of the Transition Pathway Initiative (‘TPI’).
News: 17 August 2020
No matter how many times anyone assures that they will do ‘whatever it takes’, we know they are bluffing. They neither know what to do, nor what it might take.
News: 10 August 2020
The Bank of England has suggested a peak unemployment rate of 7.5% as a reasonable working assumption. That sounds horrible, but is actually well below the last three major peaks of the early Eighties, Nineties and Noughties.
News: 03 August 2020
The US and UK equity markets are telling the same story, but in very different ways. The US, so dominated by so few companies, is saying that these leaders are only going to become stronger and stronger.
News: 27 July 2020
What we seek to avoid is buying a share just because it might be optically ‘cheap’. There are no shortages of these – anyone for a hotel, or an airline, or a restaurant chain? What we want to find is shares where there is a visible route to a change of sentiment, a credible reason why other investors will also buy the shares.
News: 24 July 2020
Our CEO Sarah Soar shows how 'WFH' can be done anywhere, and mentions the Company's half-yearly results which show that Hawksmoor remains in good health, which will stand us in good stead for the rest of the year.
News: 23 July 2020
Our Head of Fund Management Ben Conway has been nominated in the FE fundinfo Alpha Manager Awards 2020 - which celebrate “the top 10% of fund management talent."
News: 21 July 2020
Our first Virtual Roadshow for Private Clients was a great success - with the highly-engaged audience asking the presenters some excellent topical questions. You can listen to the recording here.
News: 20 July 2020
It has become thankfully rare for us to be asked ‘is ESG just a fad?’ To ask this is to misunderstand what ESG is. It is not just an investment style. ESG is a means of thinking and working based on the principle that all stakeholders in a business are in it together.
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