News: 20 April 2020
As and when the mood improves, which it will, more and more of these companies will start to make payments to their shareholders again. The drought will eventually pass.
News: 17 April 2020
As an extension to the coronavirus lockdown is announced, our CEO Sarah Soar has recorded a further update in which she thanks all our clients who have sent such wonderful feedback about our service during these unprecedented times.
News: 14 April 2020
The pace, depth and duration of the ‘resizing’ of economies is only part of the overall investment equation. There is an equally big unknown in what the post-virus world will look like.
News: 09 April 2020
For this week's CEO update to clients, contacts and shareholders, Sarah has recorded a video message.
News: 06 April 2020
It is hard to believe that we are effectively coming to the end of the second week of lockdown and of everyone at Hawksmoor working from home. The speed at which we have adapted to this new way of working has really impressed me and the team have embraced the new normal with characteristic hard work and plenty of humour!
This ability to wave an elder wand and create money should set everyone thinking about how that money can have any value if its supply is potentially infinite?
News: 27 March 2020
It has been another extraordinary week for the human race as world leaders act in various ways to control the spread of the coronavirus. When I wrote my update a week ago, pubs, bars and restaurants were being closed down but clearly this was not enough and by Monday evening we had gone into lockdown.
News: 20 March 2020
Further to my post on 17th March, I thought you might like an update on what has happened this week and how we are dealing with the constantly changing environment both from an operational aspect and in respect to global stock markets and investments in general.
It is over 120 years since War of the Worlds was first published. If you are not familiar with HG Wells’ classic science fiction, it ends with the seemingly invincible Martians rendered helpless by their susceptibility to the common cold. The analogies with 2020 are remarkable.
News: 17 March 2020
I thought you might like to know the action the Hawksmoor Management Team are taking in order to ensure the smooth running of the firm during the anticipated disturbance to normal working practices as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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