Vanbrugh and Distribution Funds are finalists in PA Awards 2019

Great news for our Funds team, as both Vanbrugh and Distribution Funds have once again been nominated as finalists in the Professional Adviser Awards 2019.
Vanbrugh Fund is a finalist in the ‘Best Multi-Asset Fund: Long-Term Growth’ category. Other finalists are:
- Fidelity Multi-Asset Open Strategic
- Premier Multi-Asset Conservative Growth
- Quilter Investors Cirilium Conservative Portfolio
Distribution Fund is a finalist in the ‘Best Multi-Asset Fund: Rising Income’ category, along with other finalists:
- Architas Diversified Real Assets
- Fidelity Multi-Asset Income & Growth
- Premier Multi-Asset Distribution
The Methodology and judging process for awarding the Best Multi-Asset Fund categories is “based upon investment outcomes and so each may contain funds from a number of different Investment Association sectors. Delivering the investment outcome and meeting the fund’s own objectives in the most risk-efficient manner are the keys to being selected for these categories. The categories are then judged by an independent panel of experts from fund ratings and research companies.”
The Awards will take place at a black tie ceremony in London, on the evening of 7th February 2019.
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